Paper Temporary Working Platforms

Published by Ronald on

The design and construction of temporary working platforms for cranes and piling rigs is a high-risk activity. A paper on this subject by the Temporary Works Forum New Zealand has recently been presented at the New Zealand Geomechanical Society’s 21st Symposium “Good Grounds for the Future”. Firm Ground Engineering owner Ronald Damen has co-authored this publication.

The paper, authored by Martin Larisch, Ronald Damen, Gil Johnstone and Brendan Attewell, considers some of the most common and relevant guidelines for working platform design. The applicability of the different design methods for various ground conditions is discussed, as well as the underlying assumptions about load transfer and static and dynamic load factors.

Lifting bridge beams
A crane lifts bridge beams from a temporary working platform at Kay Road, Hamilton

The Temporary Works Forum New Zealand continues work on a technical guidance document for the design and construction of working platforms for cranage and piling works.

We are proud to contribute to this effort in making the design of working platforms more safe and cost-effective. You can read and download the paper on Research Gate or contact us for a copy.

For design of and advice on temporary works, don’t hesitate to contact us.