Firm Ground Engineering has extensive domestic and international experience in the design and verification of foundations for infrastructure, marine and commercial projects.
With our experience on both large and small-scale projects in The Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, we are specialists in the design of shallow and deep (piled) foundations. Our experience includes the design of foundations under seismic loading.
An essential part of foundation design starts with a solid analysis of the available data. This includes the results from geotechnical site investigations and data from existing projects, such as testing data that was acquired during installation of nearby foundations.
The ground model forms the basis of the design process. We develop a ground model for each project, based on our understanding of the geology, existing ground investigation, site observations and information from nearby projects. Any model is by definition limited, since it is based on a limited amount of investigations, lab tests and assumptions on soil-structure interaction. However, the risk for the project that results from this inherent uncertainty can be managed by conducting sensitivity analyses. Using the ground model and understanding the specific requirements of the project, we can recommend targeted investigations and tests, as well as monitoring.
In the case of driven piles, a driveability assessment can clarify the risks during the installation phase, so that targeted mitigation measures can be put in place. Every project has unique requirements, so we always liaise with the piling contractor. Where some projects are strongly program driven, others are limited in the availability of plant and materials.
Foundations can be tested in numerous ways. We always consider the verification step in our design. Testing reduces the uncertainty around the performance of piles and the right amount of testing can reduce unnecessary conservatism. However, each project has its own optimal amount of testing.
Would you like to discuss your project with us? Or do you want to strengthen your team with an expert in foundations? Then contact us.